Monday 14 January 2013

OUR LOVE STORY:1st Day, My Birthday

"Don't Judge the book by it's cover"

      Jan 26, 2008 at 8:00 am: call-time (I believe this is a Friday)
             Being a new employee and since this is the very first company I'll be working with I have to make an impression not only should I be on time but I should also dress appropriately... Being that today is my first day, I choose to be a little edgier than usual. I wore a brown striped pants that go high in the waist , white blouse and black cardigan, and wore some nude heels plus accessories. "well, I look decent enough". I know i wasn't late that day but not the earliest too because my co-workers are already in the office and well acquainted with each other when I got there... We were at least 12 in the group, the whole day was more of orientation and tour around the office, so basically it was an easy day for us. I got to know all of my colleagues and already form a bond with 3 other girls... We came from different walks of life but somehow click, we talk and laugh at our own experiences. 

             One of the things I would admit today, that I have never admitted to anyone is that during our tour around the office, my eyes will look all over the place hoping to set sight of him, YES, the semi-bald headed, tall, thick brows, intense eyes, Moreno skin guy that I saw during the contract signing... unfortunately my mission failed and the day went by with not even a glimpse, I was kinda disappointed however I felt that I knew it from the start that I will not see him again, and besides I am currently in a long term relationship... 

             - Okay let me just explain that I am not the typical type that goes looking for someone else when I already committed, I have always been loyal to my partner however during this period I was even confuse and surprise on my end as to how can this person affect me so much when we didn't even talk at all...and I remember that I was in a relationship that wasn't healthy for myself, I was so in love with this person that my priorities are neglected and I made my whole life revolve around him however my love for him wasn't reciprocated as much as I'd expect, don't get me wrong we had our fun times together as well but things happen even if you try to avoid it and, Eventually my heart and body went into a cold state and I knew that I have to do something or I will lose myself in the process... at that point we were not in good terms, our relationship, even if we don't talk about it is on the rocks and I felt it so much. I don't want to go in so much details on what he has done for me to feel that way but it was just too much and when I told myself that I'm getting tired - that's when I knew I have to look for work, in my mind I was thinking that it could resolve our issues because I will have time for myself and maybe something new is what we need...

               Going back to the main story...
By Jan 28. It's my first day for training! call time: 8pm - 5am which mean I will be celebrating my birthday in the office....since, I want to start my work with some luck and since it my birthday later, I wore a simple red blouse and pants. BTW where i work requires for us to dress business attires hence more slack pants for me...

                 I was excited to see my new found friends and start learning... okay, fine.. I'm a geek/nerd most of time because I really like learning new stuff. Our first week was our ACE training, I don't remember what the acronym stands for but I think it stands for advance communication in English. I'm open for correction here. I went into the office around 7:30pm, we were to be in a specific training room which I had to look for. When i went in I was expecting like 12 people however I was surprise to see a room of I think 20+ people, O.M.G, this were the people I was with during the contract signing... at first I thought I made a mistake however I saw my friends and they quickly wave me over, thank goodness... The minutes went fast and then he came in, Yes HIM!!, I was caught off guard thankfully when my eyes saw him walk in, I immediately look the other way around. One of my friends immediately told me she like him and then that's when I got a good look of him... Yes, Good-looking, nice built, nice features however with the way he acts and finally being able to see him in good light... what was i thinking?!? this guy is one of those type that I don't like: the PLAYBOY type... I was laughing at myself for even thinking about him.. He made a good first impression however seeing him now I knew he's the type I despise.

One more thing about me...

            - I DON'T SMOKE! not that I didn't try. I really tried to learn how to puff right, remember back in school when all your friends are exploring new stuff and your so eager to join in. I felt that I was old enough to start smoking by college, my friends are already hook with it and I felt that I am being too goody goody if I not try at least. Tons of Outings and Parties had past where I will have a stick in my hand silly puffing - "hithit buga" -  at the end I gave up and decided that it's not for me.

             In our line of work most of my colleague during breaks smoke, now since I only have 3 friends and only one of them smoke... She asked us to accompany her while she smoke and since I don't really have anything to do during breaks and I like the company, besides she's fun to talk to.... So, on our first break we went to the smoking area and found us a seat in a corner and started talking... we were in the middle of our conversation when my friend stopped and started smiling - her eyes twinkling. Then, I heard the word "Hi" 

to be continued...........

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