Tuesday 12 February 2013


Ok,  it was Jan.31 when me and my team mate Loy decided to bet on who will lose more pounds....  So we came up with guidelines.. winner will be who loses more pounds in 6 weeks. the bet will be P1000.00 per person and winner takes all. A friend overheard us talking and decided to join as well... so let cut the story short in the end we had 13 participants and weights varies from 120lb to 187lbs... we then decided to compute the pounds lost over the orig weight to give credit to those who have less weight. we provided disclaimers and we reminded each other that the pot money of P13000.00 will be our motivator...

so how did it go?????????????????

1st day - THE HORROR!! stay away from me as for having an empty stomach, my temper goes up easily!! hahaha... ok so i decided not to eat any rice for the day, eat crackers and nuts for my snacks, i chose a 3pc siomai for my breakfast then a half order spaghetti for lunch and a steam hot dog for dinner... this was way way less than what i normally eat so it was such a hard day for me... i just had to endure it. my BFF barby was really supportive and although i have made some sungit to her she didnt get mad and she knows that it was just bec of my hunger and craving for more...

the days went by more easier than the day before. I started to have a better diet making sure my body gets enough nutrients. I don't want to do a crash diet as it will just come back fast so I decided to take it slow. eat roasted nuts if i'm hungry, start the day with at least a half cup of rice, vegetable and oil free - fish/chicken/beef.

I am eating fruits everyday and just bought a cereal to help with digestions. i also started dancing after i had my very first complete sleep. bec with dieting and doing exercise on a day that i only had 4 hrs of sleep will just put my health on risk so now that i have lots of time on my hands.. im balancing it with playing with my son, dancing, the occasional long walks and runs with xtian...

more work out for the coming week... as per my weight??

I'm 139lbs in the office weighing scale.. at home I am at 136 lbs (last time i check around 2 days before the weigh in) and now.. ....

at my home weighing scale at 129lbs.. yes!!

ill check tom in our office my weight!!!

it time for work out so i can also firm my skin... i dont want to lose to much weight then have my skin saggy!!! hahahah

--- want to know my daily diet??

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