Monday 7 January 2013

OUR LOVE STORY: the first look

" LOVE at first sight"

     I met him almost 5 years ago, it was around January 22, 2008 - I remember because it was my first job offer - the day started with nothing special, I was with my then boyfriend at that time when I received the call from the HR associate telling me that they have a job offer for me and that I will need to drop by asap in the office to sign the papers or else they'll offer it to someone else... I was hesitant to accept, I was so confused - in my mind i was juggling with this questions - if I accept this and something comes along can I still grab it? do i really want this? what should I do? -  I guess what i was feeling was normal for someone whose about to step into the real world. I told the guy I can't come in an hour (the time he requested) and then he gave me 4 hours more and told me that he will wait for me until 6pm - take it or leave it? i decided to take it. Not because i was sure of what I was getting myself into but because I was so tired, I  have been a bum for 3 months already and I know I really want to start working and earn money, I want change from my life than just following some guy and waiting for him to notice me, I needed to have something of my own that will stop me from making my world revolve around him when in fact, he didn't deserve it.... ( but this is another story and I have already closed that chapter) 

    Time check: 5:30 pm - just in time! i was dressed so casual because of the short notice I didn't have time to go home and change... I was wearing a bohemian strap blouse, skinny jeans and flats. my hair was down and minimal make up on. 

       I went to the HR office as directed and my name was with the guard so, I just showed my ID and the guard let me in - this company policy doesn't allow dress down but well thanks to this HR guy i was an exception. I was surprise to see that the waiting lounge was filled with people dress smart and formal, chatting and laughing - They know each other! - i was so lost, I don't know anyone and I can't find the HR guy. I find an empty seat, made myself comfortable as possible and just look into my cellphone. have you ever been into a place where you feel you shouldn't be there? that's how i felt. i was so embarrassed with how i look...  after a few minutes around 6:00pm the HR guy ask everyone else except me to come into another area and then he ask me if i was who i am, he was a gent and thank me for coming and apologize for the short notice - i apologize too with the way i look and for asking him to wait for me - he then told me that it was ok because he scheduled my contract signing together with the second batch... everyone was sitting already when i came in, they look at me ( well, almost all of them look at me) i felt being sized up.. well walk straight and sit up straight... i found an empty chair in the front row and seat... 

     We had to wait for a few minutes so I decided to look around, the office has that comfy feel, it was well designed... when i look at the landscape design on my right side that's when I saw him. He wasn't sitting on the chairs, he was talking with his friends and laughing. That's when i first saw him - well, a glimpse of him though, I don't know what happen then but that image stayed on my memory up to today, i guess he struck my attention and that there was this something i just cant explain (maybe i had already had a crush on him? well i don't really know but you know that feeling that you cant just erase? his image stayed with me for the rest of my life) so going back, the contract was explain to us and we had to sign it - thank God for my pen - w/c i always bring, i was really shy so it will be really hard if i had to borrow from anyone... the contracts where signed and everyone left before me. when I submitted my contracts,  I was then told that i had to come in by Jan 26 for my initial briefing, told me when I will start working by the end of the week, everything was so fast that I didn't have time to react and in my mind i thought that the people i was with (the 2nd batch and him) will be working on another dept because they were to start by Jan 28. whilst me it'll be Jan 26... I was kinda disappointed in not being with him or that i was not even able to meet him...  

      On my way home I saw him again and he was with a friend, later i found out his friend's name was denise - denise is sweet he actually waved goodbye to me and told me "see you in the office". i smiled back and i saw HIM looking fiercely (well, not that his mad but not friendly).... when I got home, I just brushed off the feeling and just thought that this day will be the last day I'll see him... but I was wrong. 

******* who knew this will be the day when my whole life will change*********

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