Sunday 30 December 2012


Its been more than a week now since i last posted.... just been so busy with Christmas, shopping, and work. anyhow here's my week as an overview...

     First, I had a friendship with someone that just got a lot better and closer -- made me look into things differently and made me realize how easy it is to forgive.

    Second, more self control when it comes to my emotions although i always go nuts with my partners annoying habit... lolz...

    Third, I have a cellphone to use for the mean time... yey! feels great to reconnect with old friends...

    Fourth, I met up with High school Barkadas and made me realize how lucky I am to have such friends that I know will always be there and the connection will never be tainted by time or space.

    Fifth, Just so glad that through the year 2012 me and my fiancĂ©e are covered with so much work and so busy earning bucks for our savings that i am glad we were able to share a bit of it to families, friends, and to others as well....

    - BTW i forgot to add on my new year resolution is to never miss a check up for my son, go have myself check as well regularly bec. everyone knows health is wealth....

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! lets end the year with a blast.... no work for me! yay!

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