Monday 25 March 2013

BIGGEST LOSER: after 6 weeks = lose 15 lbs

yep.. that is correct i have lost 15 lbs! yey!

for more than a year I have been struggling with how I look and weigh. I have always been this person who wants to prep up for anything just because I like looking good because it makes me more confident when I talk, it give me more self-esteem to be more witty in a crowd or I don't know I feel that my brain function better when i feel great. after giving birth to my son, at first i lost a lot of weight however the pounds just keep on adding up and I can't stop... when i felt like there is nothing I can do about it, i just ate away everything...(as in if i crave i eat and when i'm bored I eat as well, there is not a day that there's no food in my desk and a friend even told me once that it looks like I was afraid of being hungry.. yeah maybe?)

back in college my average weight is around 105-110lbs, after college i started piling up the fats and it was like a yo-yo for me. I will pile up but when i wanted to lose it I work on it and lose the pounds. now after giving birth i was weighing around 134lbs when it dropped to 125lbs. but after that I went up to 139lbs. I saw some picture of myself last Dec 2012 and it was not a pretty sight. Relatives are calling me by my mom's name, they've mistaken me for her bec of how I look. do I look that old and am i that fat? -- these are the questions eating me up. then i meet up with old friends and they laughed when they saw me. which made me feel more sorry for myself...and these are just a few of the bad memories I have encountered back then... there's a lot more.... 

after the many incidents citing how FAT or GIGANTIC I look. I was really saddened by those remarks that in order to cope up, I just continued eating. I just cant get myself to work out any exercises nor feel the desire to dance. I was getting lost in myself and I almost completely lose myself in the process...

then a good friend talked to me... and after that I know I just have to know what I want and work hard for it. If i really want to I can make myself look how i want to be seen like. so by February we come up with a something to motivate people like me to lose weight and that is to give a pot money... 

the first week was a total nightmare. I had to lessen my rice intake, watch out for salty and oily food, no junk foods and drink a lot of water. the first week i lost 5 lbs. that made me feel really good and i continued what i started just watching out for what i eat. do some running and a bit of dancing at home when possible. my waist looks trimmer, my arms and legs are slimmer and my face look much better without the fats... 

from 139 lbs i am now down to 124 lbs. at my home weighing scale i weigh 136lbs before and now i am at 120 lbs.. I am not planning on giving up yet. i want to tone down my body and lose maybe about 5-10 more lbs. now this is just my target. 

i found out that by setting yourself with targets that have a deadline really works out for me. for example i really did goal at losing 15-20 lbs at the start. I don't starve myself to death i just eat a balance diet now. I eat more vegetables and fruits. I do have cheat days where i can eat maybe a bit of chocolate or chips but not too much... 

I think anyone who wants to achieve something can really do achieve it just set your heart and mind to it... Life is too short to be stuck in a bad place, so find your happy place and find something that suit your lifestyle. where you can achieve what you like without compromising work and family. set targets and make sure to achieve them. this can also be the same philosophy in your everyday to do list. for example if you have a report you need to finish by the end of the week find a day in the week you can work on it. set the time needed to complete the report and stick to that plan. for example if set myself in cleaning up my room for 1 and half hour. at 7am to 8:30am i should stick to it and not think that I still have the rest of the day to finish it. it the same philosophy with my weight lost. I set realistic goals within a sensible time frame. I do some research when necessary and work on it. 

set your goals and do it. anyone can be A VICTORIA SECRET MODEL if they want to... 

--- until next time!

Tuesday 12 February 2013


Ok,  it was Jan.31 when me and my team mate Loy decided to bet on who will lose more pounds....  So we came up with guidelines.. winner will be who loses more pounds in 6 weeks. the bet will be P1000.00 per person and winner takes all. A friend overheard us talking and decided to join as well... so let cut the story short in the end we had 13 participants and weights varies from 120lb to 187lbs... we then decided to compute the pounds lost over the orig weight to give credit to those who have less weight. we provided disclaimers and we reminded each other that the pot money of P13000.00 will be our motivator...

so how did it go?????????????????

1st day - THE HORROR!! stay away from me as for having an empty stomach, my temper goes up easily!! hahaha... ok so i decided not to eat any rice for the day, eat crackers and nuts for my snacks, i chose a 3pc siomai for my breakfast then a half order spaghetti for lunch and a steam hot dog for dinner... this was way way less than what i normally eat so it was such a hard day for me... i just had to endure it. my BFF barby was really supportive and although i have made some sungit to her she didnt get mad and she knows that it was just bec of my hunger and craving for more...

the days went by more easier than the day before. I started to have a better diet making sure my body gets enough nutrients. I don't want to do a crash diet as it will just come back fast so I decided to take it slow. eat roasted nuts if i'm hungry, start the day with at least a half cup of rice, vegetable and oil free - fish/chicken/beef.

I am eating fruits everyday and just bought a cereal to help with digestions. i also started dancing after i had my very first complete sleep. bec with dieting and doing exercise on a day that i only had 4 hrs of sleep will just put my health on risk so now that i have lots of time on my hands.. im balancing it with playing with my son, dancing, the occasional long walks and runs with xtian...

more work out for the coming week... as per my weight??

I'm 139lbs in the office weighing scale.. at home I am at 136 lbs (last time i check around 2 days before the weigh in) and now.. ....

at my home weighing scale at 129lbs.. yes!!

ill check tom in our office my weight!!!

it time for work out so i can also firm my skin... i dont want to lose to much weight then have my skin saggy!!! hahahah

--- want to know my daily diet??

Monday 14 January 2013

OUR LOVE STORY:1st Day, My Birthday

"Don't Judge the book by it's cover"

      Jan 26, 2008 at 8:00 am: call-time (I believe this is a Friday)
             Being a new employee and since this is the very first company I'll be working with I have to make an impression not only should I be on time but I should also dress appropriately... Being that today is my first day, I choose to be a little edgier than usual. I wore a brown striped pants that go high in the waist , white blouse and black cardigan, and wore some nude heels plus accessories. "well, I look decent enough". I know i wasn't late that day but not the earliest too because my co-workers are already in the office and well acquainted with each other when I got there... We were at least 12 in the group, the whole day was more of orientation and tour around the office, so basically it was an easy day for us. I got to know all of my colleagues and already form a bond with 3 other girls... We came from different walks of life but somehow click, we talk and laugh at our own experiences. 

             One of the things I would admit today, that I have never admitted to anyone is that during our tour around the office, my eyes will look all over the place hoping to set sight of him, YES, the semi-bald headed, tall, thick brows, intense eyes, Moreno skin guy that I saw during the contract signing... unfortunately my mission failed and the day went by with not even a glimpse, I was kinda disappointed however I felt that I knew it from the start that I will not see him again, and besides I am currently in a long term relationship... 

             - Okay let me just explain that I am not the typical type that goes looking for someone else when I already committed, I have always been loyal to my partner however during this period I was even confuse and surprise on my end as to how can this person affect me so much when we didn't even talk at all...and I remember that I was in a relationship that wasn't healthy for myself, I was so in love with this person that my priorities are neglected and I made my whole life revolve around him however my love for him wasn't reciprocated as much as I'd expect, don't get me wrong we had our fun times together as well but things happen even if you try to avoid it and, Eventually my heart and body went into a cold state and I knew that I have to do something or I will lose myself in the process... at that point we were not in good terms, our relationship, even if we don't talk about it is on the rocks and I felt it so much. I don't want to go in so much details on what he has done for me to feel that way but it was just too much and when I told myself that I'm getting tired - that's when I knew I have to look for work, in my mind I was thinking that it could resolve our issues because I will have time for myself and maybe something new is what we need...

               Going back to the main story...
By Jan 28. It's my first day for training! call time: 8pm - 5am which mean I will be celebrating my birthday in the office....since, I want to start my work with some luck and since it my birthday later, I wore a simple red blouse and pants. BTW where i work requires for us to dress business attires hence more slack pants for me...

                 I was excited to see my new found friends and start learning... okay, fine.. I'm a geek/nerd most of time because I really like learning new stuff. Our first week was our ACE training, I don't remember what the acronym stands for but I think it stands for advance communication in English. I'm open for correction here. I went into the office around 7:30pm, we were to be in a specific training room which I had to look for. When i went in I was expecting like 12 people however I was surprise to see a room of I think 20+ people, O.M.G, this were the people I was with during the contract signing... at first I thought I made a mistake however I saw my friends and they quickly wave me over, thank goodness... The minutes went fast and then he came in, Yes HIM!!, I was caught off guard thankfully when my eyes saw him walk in, I immediately look the other way around. One of my friends immediately told me she like him and then that's when I got a good look of him... Yes, Good-looking, nice built, nice features however with the way he acts and finally being able to see him in good light... what was i thinking?!? this guy is one of those type that I don't like: the PLAYBOY type... I was laughing at myself for even thinking about him.. He made a good first impression however seeing him now I knew he's the type I despise.

One more thing about me...

            - I DON'T SMOKE! not that I didn't try. I really tried to learn how to puff right, remember back in school when all your friends are exploring new stuff and your so eager to join in. I felt that I was old enough to start smoking by college, my friends are already hook with it and I felt that I am being too goody goody if I not try at least. Tons of Outings and Parties had past where I will have a stick in my hand silly puffing - "hithit buga" -  at the end I gave up and decided that it's not for me.

             In our line of work most of my colleague during breaks smoke, now since I only have 3 friends and only one of them smoke... She asked us to accompany her while she smoke and since I don't really have anything to do during breaks and I like the company, besides she's fun to talk to.... So, on our first break we went to the smoking area and found us a seat in a corner and started talking... we were in the middle of our conversation when my friend stopped and started smiling - her eyes twinkling. Then, I heard the word "Hi" 

to be continued...........

Monday 7 January 2013

OUR LOVE STORY: the first look

" LOVE at first sight"

     I met him almost 5 years ago, it was around January 22, 2008 - I remember because it was my first job offer - the day started with nothing special, I was with my then boyfriend at that time when I received the call from the HR associate telling me that they have a job offer for me and that I will need to drop by asap in the office to sign the papers or else they'll offer it to someone else... I was hesitant to accept, I was so confused - in my mind i was juggling with this questions - if I accept this and something comes along can I still grab it? do i really want this? what should I do? -  I guess what i was feeling was normal for someone whose about to step into the real world. I told the guy I can't come in an hour (the time he requested) and then he gave me 4 hours more and told me that he will wait for me until 6pm - take it or leave it? i decided to take it. Not because i was sure of what I was getting myself into but because I was so tired, I  have been a bum for 3 months already and I know I really want to start working and earn money, I want change from my life than just following some guy and waiting for him to notice me, I needed to have something of my own that will stop me from making my world revolve around him when in fact, he didn't deserve it.... ( but this is another story and I have already closed that chapter) 

    Time check: 5:30 pm - just in time! i was dressed so casual because of the short notice I didn't have time to go home and change... I was wearing a bohemian strap blouse, skinny jeans and flats. my hair was down and minimal make up on. 

       I went to the HR office as directed and my name was with the guard so, I just showed my ID and the guard let me in - this company policy doesn't allow dress down but well thanks to this HR guy i was an exception. I was surprise to see that the waiting lounge was filled with people dress smart and formal, chatting and laughing - They know each other! - i was so lost, I don't know anyone and I can't find the HR guy. I find an empty seat, made myself comfortable as possible and just look into my cellphone. have you ever been into a place where you feel you shouldn't be there? that's how i felt. i was so embarrassed with how i look...  after a few minutes around 6:00pm the HR guy ask everyone else except me to come into another area and then he ask me if i was who i am, he was a gent and thank me for coming and apologize for the short notice - i apologize too with the way i look and for asking him to wait for me - he then told me that it was ok because he scheduled my contract signing together with the second batch... everyone was sitting already when i came in, they look at me ( well, almost all of them look at me) i felt being sized up.. well walk straight and sit up straight... i found an empty chair in the front row and seat... 

     We had to wait for a few minutes so I decided to look around, the office has that comfy feel, it was well designed... when i look at the landscape design on my right side that's when I saw him. He wasn't sitting on the chairs, he was talking with his friends and laughing. That's when i first saw him - well, a glimpse of him though, I don't know what happen then but that image stayed on my memory up to today, i guess he struck my attention and that there was this something i just cant explain (maybe i had already had a crush on him? well i don't really know but you know that feeling that you cant just erase? his image stayed with me for the rest of my life) so going back, the contract was explain to us and we had to sign it - thank God for my pen - w/c i always bring, i was really shy so it will be really hard if i had to borrow from anyone... the contracts where signed and everyone left before me. when I submitted my contracts,  I was then told that i had to come in by Jan 26 for my initial briefing, told me when I will start working by the end of the week, everything was so fast that I didn't have time to react and in my mind i thought that the people i was with (the 2nd batch and him) will be working on another dept because they were to start by Jan 28. whilst me it'll be Jan 26... I was kinda disappointed in not being with him or that i was not even able to meet him...  

      On my way home I saw him again and he was with a friend, later i found out his friend's name was denise - denise is sweet he actually waved goodbye to me and told me "see you in the office". i smiled back and i saw HIM looking fiercely (well, not that his mad but not friendly).... when I got home, I just brushed off the feeling and just thought that this day will be the last day I'll see him... but I was wrong. 

******* who knew this will be the day when my whole life will change*********