Friday 27 July 2012


hey hey hey... i think i succeeded a day with no rice...! yehey..  i only had one piece of chicken for breakfast. then for snack i have coffee and low carb biscuits. for lunch i had a banana and one fish. i wish i can lose more but i want to continue with the no carb diet and eat more fruits and veggies...

i used to hate veggies growing up but i guess as i get older i tend to be more adventurous with my foods... hahaha.. 2 thing i dont like ampalaya and okra.. eeuchhh. i dont know i just dont like it, well maybe when i'm older.. hahahaha!!

today was really stressful bec. of my stomach almost growling everytime, but i was able to surpass this so hopefully i can lose weight soon...

goodnight! good morning... im going to sleep now...

shall i do crunches?? hehehe.. we'll see

Thursday 26 July 2012


i want to start a wedding blog... since mine is still in the process of being plan.. we got engaged may 10, 2012 but upto today there is no definite plans yet on the big day... still i want to have all the fun in planning and making sure i stay way below budget and get the dream wedding i want... yeah!! i think ill use this blog too or start a new topic..

1st week: DAY 3

such an epic fail for my diet.. hahaha.. i have been eating as usual and still doesn't hit the gym or do something to burn this damn fats... ill do some vitals later and weight check but i want to start with my diet n.. help!! how? i still dont know...

Monday 23 July 2012

IDEA: Lose Weight and be fit!

before I fell pregnant with Godric i was weighing around 115 lbs and i think my waist size was around 28. I am not the skinny type of girl, i was always this chubby person.  I now weigh 133 lbs (I know! what happen right?...) I didn't pay much attention to this since i feel there is no way i can get back with my old body. so today i will start to lose weight and be more fit. I don't really know how i will do this but I'm thinking of dragging myself to the gym today.

so GOAL: 115 lbs
have a trimmer stomach, lose this chubby arms and tone my legs...

i think i want to get back in dancing too... since thats how I was able to reach 105 lbs back in my college days... better do a lot of bending and ab crunches... I'll keep track of the food i'll eat here and hopefully with this blog i will  be able to hold on to my goal... hahahaha...

at the same time, i want to do some fixin' in myself like my hair which is in need of a good treatment...

will i be able to do this.. i hope so...

Please Nhel you have to do this for yourself ( talking to myself)

will i get used to this....

so far i love blabbering in front of a keyboard... just typing whatever comes into my mind but i am and well known for starting something that I never really sticks to. for now i am still thinking of what i really want to do with my life and what i want to become. i think i can write here some of my thoughts, maybe help me stay on track... hahahaha! i gotta go, my partner will be coming home soon and since its raining i have the car and will pick him up from work!! goodnight...

Sunday 22 July 2012


for some their week starts every monday.. mine will be every tuesday!! first day of work..

07.22.2012 SM NORTH

I came home from work around 5 a.m. since my shift ends at 4 a.m., me and my partner then played with our computer - him with his diablo and me reading with my samsung video. At around 12 my mom woke me up and we went to sm north with my son, sister, brother and cousin... it was a post celebration for my mom and dad's 27th wedding anniversary (07.20) 

We dine at TRES. they have this great deal that you can buy a sizzling sisig for P33.00 (yes! 33 pesos lang) for a minimum purchase of P500.00 - (which i think is the minimum cost of eating at tres based on the prices of their menus)... 

We tried their signature dish BEEF KARE-KARE ( I think it was for around P353 - i am not sure) - the ox stripe was cooked really well that it was really easy to cut with spoon and the beef was just cook just right to give become soft and tender. the sauce is great, really rich peanut taste and with enough sweetness. the vegetable are not overcook, although i feel that the price is a bit too high for the serving. the serving is good for two. 

we also tried BEEF SALPICAO (P343) , and their signature rice KALKAG RICE (baby shrimp) (P183)
beef salpicao

 kalkag rice

will i go back? YES
why yes? bec i still want to try their other dishes like the ff:

Dinuguang Lechon Kawali P243

Lechon Rice P243

Gambas Al Ajillo P283

Lengua Con Setas P353

Choco Lava P153

aren't they mouth watering... their serving is good for two....

after dining at tres we decided to drink some coffee at KRISPY KREME and did a little bit of grocery.