Monday 25 March 2013

BIGGEST LOSER: after 6 weeks = lose 15 lbs

yep.. that is correct i have lost 15 lbs! yey!

for more than a year I have been struggling with how I look and weigh. I have always been this person who wants to prep up for anything just because I like looking good because it makes me more confident when I talk, it give me more self-esteem to be more witty in a crowd or I don't know I feel that my brain function better when i feel great. after giving birth to my son, at first i lost a lot of weight however the pounds just keep on adding up and I can't stop... when i felt like there is nothing I can do about it, i just ate away everything...(as in if i crave i eat and when i'm bored I eat as well, there is not a day that there's no food in my desk and a friend even told me once that it looks like I was afraid of being hungry.. yeah maybe?)

back in college my average weight is around 105-110lbs, after college i started piling up the fats and it was like a yo-yo for me. I will pile up but when i wanted to lose it I work on it and lose the pounds. now after giving birth i was weighing around 134lbs when it dropped to 125lbs. but after that I went up to 139lbs. I saw some picture of myself last Dec 2012 and it was not a pretty sight. Relatives are calling me by my mom's name, they've mistaken me for her bec of how I look. do I look that old and am i that fat? -- these are the questions eating me up. then i meet up with old friends and they laughed when they saw me. which made me feel more sorry for myself...and these are just a few of the bad memories I have encountered back then... there's a lot more.... 

after the many incidents citing how FAT or GIGANTIC I look. I was really saddened by those remarks that in order to cope up, I just continued eating. I just cant get myself to work out any exercises nor feel the desire to dance. I was getting lost in myself and I almost completely lose myself in the process...

then a good friend talked to me... and after that I know I just have to know what I want and work hard for it. If i really want to I can make myself look how i want to be seen like. so by February we come up with a something to motivate people like me to lose weight and that is to give a pot money... 

the first week was a total nightmare. I had to lessen my rice intake, watch out for salty and oily food, no junk foods and drink a lot of water. the first week i lost 5 lbs. that made me feel really good and i continued what i started just watching out for what i eat. do some running and a bit of dancing at home when possible. my waist looks trimmer, my arms and legs are slimmer and my face look much better without the fats... 

from 139 lbs i am now down to 124 lbs. at my home weighing scale i weigh 136lbs before and now i am at 120 lbs.. I am not planning on giving up yet. i want to tone down my body and lose maybe about 5-10 more lbs. now this is just my target. 

i found out that by setting yourself with targets that have a deadline really works out for me. for example i really did goal at losing 15-20 lbs at the start. I don't starve myself to death i just eat a balance diet now. I eat more vegetables and fruits. I do have cheat days where i can eat maybe a bit of chocolate or chips but not too much... 

I think anyone who wants to achieve something can really do achieve it just set your heart and mind to it... Life is too short to be stuck in a bad place, so find your happy place and find something that suit your lifestyle. where you can achieve what you like without compromising work and family. set targets and make sure to achieve them. this can also be the same philosophy in your everyday to do list. for example if you have a report you need to finish by the end of the week find a day in the week you can work on it. set the time needed to complete the report and stick to that plan. for example if set myself in cleaning up my room for 1 and half hour. at 7am to 8:30am i should stick to it and not think that I still have the rest of the day to finish it. it the same philosophy with my weight lost. I set realistic goals within a sensible time frame. I do some research when necessary and work on it. 

set your goals and do it. anyone can be A VICTORIA SECRET MODEL if they want to... 

--- until next time!