Wednesday 15 August 2012

finding myself....

           I was in my room, playing some apps when a thought came into my mind. something that I just have to write about. I know my blog is not famous nor do I have any followers ( I don't really intend to have a follower at all since, literally i am not a writer) but I am doing this for myself, a way to express whatever I have in my mind at the moment I write stuff... I don't proof read my blogs, so most of the time - there could be grammar errors or even redundancy of words... 

I remember back in college (1st year) when one my (now best) friend called me, back then we were not really close nor do we often talk in class. she is one of the people I know who will say what she wants and will not care what others think of her, she has this strong personality that will often intimidate or annoy others. she is just being herself, back then a few of our classmates are annoyed by her antics. i dont really remember the whole reason why they dont like her then. anyway getting back to the phone conversation.. i dont know how it really went then but i think it was like this...\

kai:   uhm nhel, kai  to / nhel: uy kai napatawag ka bakit? / kai: nhel may tanong lang ako sana sayo sana sagutin mo ako ng totoo / nhel: ok, ano ba yun / kai:  may mga naiinis ba sa akin sa room  / nhel: oo meron

and our conversation went on for a several minutes... basically we were getting to know each other more. i only answered her questions as frankly as i can. base on her character, i feel that she is strong enough to know the truth and not be bothered by it - and i am correct. she then said thank you to me at the end for telling her and that she feels relieved since she now knows how people see her.. be then became one of the bestest friends...

at that point she mention that i was the most frank person she has met and she like me for that, for not caring what others will think as long as the people that matters to her life knows who she is and still likes her, someone who just stays true to what she wants/like.... someone who is strong and accepts others for who they are. the list can go on. (thank you kai for the praises)

right now, i look at myself and i am happy with my son. i am happy with working. but a part of me is lost, something within me is making me unhappy from time to time, and i know i have change. i know i am still to find my true self and worth. i am at war with my own mind as i have been going through so many emotional stuff, i guess i dont know who i am right now. i know that i am a mother of my son, a wife to xtian, the daughter to my parents and sister to my siblings. but who i really am as a person is still a question. whatever happen to the girl who just follow what she wants and who doesnt care what others think. i grew up, my priorities change, i feel that i am still me, but something is still missing....

Monday 13 August 2012

habagat, diet, OT, KINNECT

how are you? i hope you were not struck with floods during the heavy rains... i was fortunate enough to live in a place where we don't really get flooded the water just pas through our house fast then subsides fast. we didn't lose electricity nor phone line.. i feel really blessed to be able to spend Tuesday with my son and family. I have 2 teammates from our office that wasn't able to save much from their belongings. we are currently contacting them so that we can help them in any way. i already save 2 flat shoes as a gift to them so that they can use this for work... (the shoes are brand new from my stock).

diet is so so going not the way i plan. i eat what i want and when i want it. i do hope i can lessen the fats from my meals but im trying out doing exercise. eating more greens and drinking more liquid. this past few days i have been feeling sick and in a bad mood, so by this week i'll get myself check up. i want a full check up...

We are blessed to have a great monetary incentive for every hour of OT so most of my time is taken by me rendering more oT's that i wasn't even aware i was capable of. the business is giving us £7.50/hr aside from the OT pay. great right? so i am grabbing it while it last.. we are saving for a computer. last cut-off i had 42 hrs of OT. this cut off im going to try 35 hrs. Goodluck to me!!\

we went out today (sunday) and bought ourselves the xbox kinnect... man, it was really fun (for now) we will try in using this as a way for us to lose weight... ill be buying the dance central games this week to, we have 3 games so far for kinnect sport, adventures and party dance. so i want to buy more dance games and more sports games so that we can have fun and be a little more healthy.... yeah...

i am so freakin' tired played for almost 3hours nonstop!! gotta rest!!

Monday 6 August 2012

CUT encarnacion group of salon review


heheheh.... AT

the last time i had my hair done was back in 2009 - i had loreal extenso hair treatment ( i don't know the spelling) for me was one of the best treatment since i am a fan of straight sleek hair. It was a lot like rebonding except it gives your hair body so it looks naturally straight and makes your hair really smooth...

I then became a bum so without a work i cant afford the luxury of having my hair done. i was planning on having my hair rebonded around Nov 2010 ( i was waiting for my 13th month paycheck since i started working again around mid july) but then i found out that i was expecting a baby.. so careful as i am, i was scared of the products and chemical that maybe harmful to the baby. i gave birth around may 2011 and since with the complication and the hospital bill making us tight to our wallets until feb of this year - so treating oneself to a 6k treatment is not so practical at that point. we then wanted a big celebration for my son's 1st bday so of course all our money savings has to be for the party. it was only until last sunday that my partner convince me to take the time out and have my hair done.. (my normal pampering is having foot spa and pedicure) so i gave in. His mom then recommended we go to "cut" w/c offers rebonding for 800 pes0s.. yes 800 pesos only... i was really skeptical abt it but of course i just found myself not backing off from the offer bec i really want my hair done.

end result? it was fabulous! my hair is still great even after several wash. its soft, flowing straight and really black. hahaha.. its my real hair color. anyways the service was fast and the people were nice. its not your high end salon but they really made the effort. they didnt rush the process nor did they skimp out on the chemicals bec i have a really long hair.

base on the comments i had bec of my hair it was a great choice...


and after

DIET week

woahh!! what a week it is...

so how was my diet this week? well... uhmmm...

last sunday i had my hair done w/c is fab,.. ill blog abt it later...

then for the past 7 days i only ate half cup of rice one meal a day. i snack on low calories biscuits. so far i feel good, not that i am losing weight but bec somehow i feel that i am able to minimize the fat i intake compared to before.. this week i am planning to render a lot of OT's bec of our dream to buy our own car... i will try to work out so right now ill be doing some cleaning of our room.. nothing much to say abt diet week bec i didnt really concentrated on it but i will not stop... hehehehe

ill blog abt my rebonded hair later... mwah!